Let me help your business thrive.

My tailored service will reignite your sense of purpose, and catalyse growth towards success in the new world.

Ignite Business purpose and Search for solutions (1:1)

Business Development (Commission a Project)

Bespoke Training and Actionable Learning

Get in touch

The current problem

Business today face numerous complex, multi-layered challenges.

Pro-actively addressing these challenges, with purpose at the centre, is key to success and often to survival. Purpose is a company’s reason for being – beyond making money. The depth of purpose can vary. The main thing is that it is authentic.
If you feel stuck, lacking direction, struggling to find new ideas, customers are changing, staff are demotivated, or you just do not know where to start making changes to your company as we emerge from the pandemic, I can help.

The solution

With my help you can overcome and excel beyond these challenges.

  • Feel energised with real purpose
  • Unlock the innovation potential of your business
  • Gain new insights into what motivates customers, and how your business can better serve them
  • Provide purpose-centred training to your team to increase the effectiveness of their efforts
  • Keep moving towards the goals you make by being held to account
  • Develop your change management and know what to prioritise
  • Embed your company purpose into your outward facing and internal  communications, your systems, processes and risk management strategy

Nicola Hanssen has an exceptional grasp of how to make social change happen. She combines radical intellectual analysis with an impressive track-record of leadership and collaboration with people on the ground. She is a walking example of the power of theory into practice. She lives and breathes co-production. Nicola offers vision, integrity, intelligence, flexibility, pragmatism. If you’re looking for practical wisdom and uncompromising clarity, Nicola is your woman.

Lucinda Broadbent, Media Co-op

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